Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And the Verdict Is.....

On Tuesday Ben and I went to the doctor to get an ultrasound done and to find out what the gender would be and we found out that we will be having a girl! She is very healthy and on target with all of her developments and the due date still stands at May 27th. It was a very encouraging visit to the doctor and since then we have had fun telling family and friends all about it. Now we get to start the fun part of painting and decorating the nursery. We are very excited and anxiously await her arrival. The pregnancy continues to go well, however the frequent bathroom visits get a little old sometimes. We just took a road trip over New Years and Ben had fun stopping frequently so I could use the bathroom. Anytime he couldn't find me he quickly figured out I was probably in the bathroom. It has become a funny joke between us now. Anyways... I really have much to be thankful for. Based on all the stories I've heard, I feel very fortunate to have had such a great pregnancy thus far. Well... I will write and post more pictures later when we progress to the next stage.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

heee...have fun with the bathroom experience...I remembered that Boon was also making fun of me as he couldn't believe that how often I need to run...;)

Aurelius Raines II said...

A girl! I'm saving up to send you a shotgun for the baby shower. You'll know what it's for when she turns 13.