Well... I am done with the first trimester and have now moved on to the 2nd trimester. I am now in my 19th Week! I had a very smooth 1st trimester and felt very fortunate to not have gotten sick at all. I only experienced being really tired, but now am not experiencing that as much anymore. It is really true when they say you feel great during the 2nd Trimester. So far I feel great and continue to not have any complications. We continue to go to monthly check-ups and the baby is growing and developing as expected. January 5th is our next appointment and at that appointment we will get to find out if it is a boy or girl. We are very excited to find out the gender of our baby. We will post the news as soon as we find out. We have been having fun starting to get the baby room ready. Sometimes it is overwhelming all that there is to get for a baby, but then I remember that there is 9 months in which to get it all and that is very helpful. I have posted a picture of what I look like right now. I haven't grown too much for the public eye, but I can tell that growth is taking place. Enjoy!!!
On other notes, Ben and I are overall doing well. Ben just completed his first quarter of Graduate classes and he is really enjoying it. He now has 3 weeks off to gear up for the next quarter and to enjoy the Holiday season. We are staying plenty busy this Christmas with Church programs and holiday parties etc. We will not be going back to the west coast to see our families, which will be hard for us to not be with them, but we have had to make choices in regard to traveling since Ben started Graduate school. We are glad to have each other and know that we will have a very enjoyable Christmas together. We also have plans to go to Kentucky to see the Mammoth Caves over the New Year break. We are looking forward to getting away for a couple of days and seeing some new sights. Those are the highlights about us. More to come in the coming months!!!